This is Owen, the newest member of our family, also known as "TROUBLE" though I didn't give him that nickname-my ob/gyn did. Owen decided to attempt to enter this world feet first and it was not discovered until I was 10cm dilated, the doc had been called in (thankfully) and I was about to begin pushing. I am still baffled by the whole situation especially that the nurse didn't realize this until the third time she examined me. Minutes later Owen's heartbeat dropped drastically and all I fuzzily remember is the doctor I kid you not yelling at nurses and the anesthesiologist "move move move or we are going to lose this baby!"(straight out of a movie?)! My doc is a fairly big guy but boy did he run with that bed! 6 minutes later I heard the most beautiful sound in the world-that of my newborn son's cry. I was surrounded by so many nurses and was in such a state of shock that I didn't even think to ask where my husband had gone-they had taken him to get into scrubs. He didn't make it in time and they didn't show me the baby-they rushed him off to special care nursery where he was checked over and was then given to his daddy. I had serious complications so my hubby was not allowed into the OR but he managed to yell to me that the baby was fine and beautiful. A great sense of peace came over me and I just laid there and let them do their stuff. I was in surgery for 3 hours due to the complications, another OB came in to assist as well as another doc and there must have been 8 nurses in there..they were yelling to call this person and call that, get this and get that, gave me three blood transfusions and suddenly I began to get very sleepy and cold. This was at about the 2 hour mark and I suddenly began to wonder if I was going to come out of this. I kept asking "why am I shivering so much?" and "why am I so tired?" and honestly they weren't really answering me. I thought how can I want to sleep at a time like this but I just wanted to close my eyes. I fought it as I was too scared to close my eyes for fear that I would never meet that little baby. Maybe I am being overly dramatic but from what I have learned and heard it was quite serious. I did later learn that I was cold because of the surgery and I was tired because of the blood loss. It has changed me a little bit and I think of it often, playing the events over and over in my head. I won't get into all the thoughts that went through my head during that time, they make me too sad. But I will say I am ever more grateful for the wonderful people in my life and all of my blessings. 3 hours later they wheeled me into recovery where I was greeted by the most wonderful people-my husband, my daddy,my mother and father in law and most importantly my son whom they placed on my chest straight away for some "skin to skin" time. Unfortunately my mom couldn't be there as she was home with Ben. I will forever feel cheated out of the first 3 hours of my son's life but those precious few minutes with him on my chest, the 2 of us covered in warm blankets,with my loved ones by my side sure came close to making up for it! 10 weeks later I am fully recovered after another few complications and "trouble" is turning into a real "angel".
Owen Trevor
4/26/2009 9:16pm
7 lbs 1 oz
18.5 inches
so well said Kari.
a night to remember!
we waited patiently but nervously for news, and the doc popped out at one point to reassure us... and while we waited we took turns in holding Owen.
and then we came in to see you and I asked 'where is Owen?' and you turned back the sheet, and there he was nestled on your chest, right where he belonged.
a very special moment.
Wasn't he always meant to be?
ahh that was a great story, it must have been crazy for you but youre right he was worth every crazy minute. so happy for you and your lovely family of 4.
cant wait to see you all
xxx jenn
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